
Get Rid of the Zombies!

spokane zombie
What do 'walkers' and the chronically Subluxated have in common?  Both are doomed to aimlessly wander the earth more DEAD - than fully ALIVE!  (We don't need more Spokane zombies!)

It’s common for those suffering with chronic Subluxations to feel tired, fatigued and disinterested in Life - like they’re barely existing.  If left undetected, chronic Subluxations interfere with the normal flow of power in your Nerve System, leaving you physically, mentally and emotionally drained.  The result: you end up walking around in a trance-like state (or in pain), clueless to the fact that you’d feel more alive if you simply received a chiropractic adjustment.

Do you know someone who’s meandering through Spokane like the walking dead?  Nothing’s scarier than living hopelessly in a ‘zombie fog’ because of Subluxations.  Reach out and tell them how Chiropractic care at AHA can transform them from the walking dead to the well-adjusted!

Distributed with permission © The Weekly Sticky